Q: Is the facilitator an actual trained Medicine Man / Shaman / Healer? Or do they just administer the medicine?

A: The facilitator is a trained Ancestral Medicine Man.

Q: What tradition (or traditions) do they follow?  What is their lineage?

A: The facilitator’s name is Mark (Shipibo tribal name is Kene Bita), and he was born in the US.  He has been trained in the Shipibo Konibo tribal usage of the medicine.  He follows primarily the Shipibo traditional ceremony structure, which includes the usage of icaros, sacred plants, tobacco, music (medicine music) and other ceremonial elements.

Q: Where did they train, and with whom?

A: The facilitator has trained in the rainforest of the Ucayali region of Peru.  Notable Maestros: Francisco (Xawan) Ventura Mayor, Tesi (Neten Yaka) Ventura, Santos (Kester Java) Campos.

Q: Are there other plants used in the ceremonies, like tobacco, rape, or master plants? If so, how are they administered? Does everyone have to partake?

A: The use of other plants by the individual participating is fully optional.  You may choose to participate in other optional components, these may be discussed with the organizer.

During the ceremony, the facilitator will use some or all of the below plants/elements:

  • Tobacco (Mapacho)
  • Aguas de Florida (Various scents and usages)
  • Sacred incense
  • Bano de Plantas (Optional – depends on the participant)
  • Plant Sauna (Optional – depends on the participant)
  • Rapeh (Optional – depends on the participant)

Q: What’s in the actual brew?

A: The medicine is the ancestral brew with no additional/other plants or substances added: Banisteriopsis Caapi and Psychotria Viridis only. 

Q: Are there restrictions on medical or psychological issues?

A: Yes, if you have Schizophrenia, Borderline disorder, Multiple Personality Disorder or any condition where you can not discern ordinary reality from expanded reality, you should not participate.  It is your responsibility to let the organizer know of any pre-existing medical conditions so that you can proceed with safety. 

Q: Does the facilitator use any other healing modalities, like Reiki etc.? Does the facilitator doctor or work on people during the ceremony? Does the facilitator perform a hands on limpia on each participant, is it available upon request, or is it not the kind of thing he or she does?

A: Yes, the facilitator may use Reiki, crystals, colonias or other elements to move energy during the ceremony.  If you are not comfortable being physically touched, let the facilitator know beforehand.  If you have specific areas of pain or work you would like to focus on, let the facilitator know beforehand.

Q: Do participants get to speak with the facilitator before or after the ceremony?

A: Yes.  You may contact him before and after at mark@guardianspirit.net to set up a discussion time or just ask any questions you have.

Q: When the ceremony ends, does the facilitator and/or support staff stay in the ceremony location to help if needed?

A: The ceremony takes place overnight and the participants will sleep at the location.  The organizer and facilitator/helpers will also be there to assist as necessary.

Q: Do participants have any say in how much medicine they drink, or are they asked to trust the person who pours? Are there multiple rounds/opportunities to take more medicine each night?

A: You may choose the amount you take up to a point.  It is not recommended to take more than one cup, or if you choose to do so, it should be only a very small amount.  This is strong medicine.

Q: Do you “hold space” for people?

A: This is very much a Western question that we’ve been asked quite a few times.  When asked this, the answer is yes, though I think it rather depends on your definition of the term.  Part of the job of the facilitator is to be available to assist you throughout the session in whatever ways are needed.  Experiencing intense emotions is possible, and we will sit without judgment during the sessions.