Plant Medicine

What is the purpose of taking Plant Medicine?

This depends on you.  The short and simple answer is primarily to heal yourself.  The more complicated answers are as unique and individual as each person and can range from simple curiosity to the search for deep and meaningful connections with yourself… and things beyond.  The medicine originates from the Amazonian rainforest, and while no one truly knows the actual earliest usage, it is estimated to be somewhere in the late BC range.  This means this practice has been ongoing for several thousand years prior to the establishment of western medicine.  There are near-endless resources out there on the interwebs detailing histories by tradition, tribal usage, experiences, etc.  I don’t think trying to recreate those here would be of great benefit when it is so easily findable.  If you feel the calling to do this type of deep work, it is recommended (but not required) that you understand a bit about the practice and your reasons for wanting to participate.

In the traditions that I am personally familiar with, sitting with the medicine is not necessarily about the healing of the physical body (though it can be used in this way), but it is more of a medicine for the soul.  Now, what does that mean?  The belief systems of the Shipibo-Konibo peoples of Peru (one of the many practicing tribes) interpret the manifestation of many of our current-day problems as soul/spirit injuries.  We tend to call them traumas or more broadly as fears today.  These can range from serious emotional/mental issues to smaller “sticky” limiting beliefs we have about ourselves.  When used to address these thoughts or injuries, the medicine functions as a “therapy” for lack of a better word.  Not in a medical sense, because this is not a talk therapy.  This is you getting to know yourself on the deepest level you can imagine.  When you shine a flashlight on the dark corners of yourself normally avoided, you become very honest about who you are.  This is when the healing starts, once we see and acknowledge the injury. 

As I noted in the beginning, healing is the primary utility, but it often can also provide insights and information to questions we have.  Creative inspiration is often an outcome, as well as fantastic journeys though different worlds like the Akasha, and connection with entities beyond what we refer to as normal reality.  None, any, or all of these things are possible in a sitting.  It is a unique experience each and every time. 

There is more content available on this site.  However, if you are interested in more direct information, please feel free to reach out directly:

Make sure to include the following information so I know how to reach you: Name, Phone number, Email address, Reason for reaching out.

Should I take the Medicine?

Quite obviously, this is your choice alone.  I personally believe that you should make your own decision based on a number of factors you will want to assess before making up your mind.  Take some time to review the below policies so you can make an informed decision:

  • Required Diet and Detoxification Policy
  • Drugs and Medication Policy
  • Medical Conditions and Mental Fitness Policy

With very few exceptions, each person’s experience when taking the medicine is reflective of a number of factors.

What is your state of mind when sitting for the ceremony?

  • Relax and don’t over think it.  The experience is intended to take you out of normal reality.  If you are concentrating on things in your everyday life, that’s where you will be spending most of your journey. 
  • Try to meditate and/or remain in a calm and present state as part of your preparation.  This will help you keep your focus on the medicine, and not on non-related things.
  • Be aware of what you are taking into yourself.  TV, social media, and other activities are entertaining, but they can affect your presence.  Try to consume things that are more positive and that focus on learning, growth, love, and light. 
  • Spend time in nature.  Look around and notice the small things, they are communicating with you when you pay attention.

What is the reason for this?  It is because the worlds that open do so from inside of you, not outside.  In the Shipibo traditions, there are worlds that you can travel to and if you’re paying attention, you can identify where you are during the journey.